Enjoy nature but do not detract from it. Rather; add and encourage.
I want to work with my surroundings to try and grow the local ecosystem as well as the flowers.
No nasties EVER.
Did you know that most of the flowers you buy from the high-street and supermarket will have been treated with chemicals? It makes you think twice about sniffing them, right?
Although having said that, most mass produced flowers that are flown in from other countries don't actually smell. They have either had their 'smell genes' bred out, in favour of straighter, longer stems. Or they have been soaked in silver nitrate which removes the capacity for scent.
Not only does it ruin the smell of flowers but excessive exposure to silver nitrate can cause respiratory problems, collapse and in extreme cases, even death. Not many people are aware of just how polluting the cut flower industry is - polluting to nature, wildlife and people.
It's not just the chemical run off into waterways - some flowers travel thousands of miles to reach you, in temperature controlled aeroplanes and trucks.
They go through all these processes and then get put up for sale at £3 a bunch, it's not sustainable in any way.
Thankfully things have started to change and people are being made more aware of the dangers of so-called 'fast flowers'. The hashtags #grownnotflown and #slowflowers are very popular right now - and so they should be.
I for one, will never buy a bunch of supermarket flowers ever again.
But anyway, back to my ethos - No nasties ever
By not using any chemicals I am supplying the insects with clean nutritious food, they in turn maintain a balanced ecosystem, pollinating crops and looking after the soil while the plants help to clean the air. To feed my plants I use horse manure that has been well rotted and liquid feeds, either ones that I make myself, or organic seaweed feed.
Sell locally
My flowers will never travel far to reach you so no need to worry about their carbon footprint. (Check the labels next time you go to a supermarket, they will most likely say 'South America', 'Kenya' or 'Holland')
If you are within 10 miles of Tunbridge Wells I am happy to deliver, otherwise you are welcome to come and collect your flowers from the plot.
Garden responsibly
I will never use peat because the mining of it completely destroys habitats and leaves areas desolate and infertile. Also, intact peat bogs trap carbon and are vital in the fight against climate change.
I rotate my crops to avoid pest and disease build up in the soil and use 'no dig' methods whenever possible.
Rant over - but seriously, we've got to look after those insects!